Manthan has integrated the syllabi of CBSE, ICSE and Matriculation to enable students to move from Manthan to any other school in the country effortlessly whenever the need for transfer arises. English is the medium of instruction at Manthan. The centre shifted to Palavakkam in June 2006 and again shifted to Kottivakkam (Natco Colony) in February 2011. Manthan has plans to start institutions under UK syllabus (IGCSE and IAL) in several neighborhoods, either on its own or along with organizations having similar objectives and mission. Manthan's panel of educationists constantly train its teachers in latest and innovative teaching techniques. Manthan will be following the same teaching methodology, books and workbooks in all its institutions. Children studying in any one of the Manthan's educational initiatives can move to another at any point of time.
School Timings - 08:30 AM to 03:30 PM
Office Timings - 08:15 AM to 03:15 PM
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