The Vidyalaya had its humble beginning at Community Hall, Chinmaya Nagar Stage 1, Chennai -111, on Vijayadasami Day, in October 1970 with the blessings of our Pujya Gurudev H.H.Swami Chinmayananda. Later in the year 1972, the school was shifted to an old building situated in one acre land earmarked for school in Chinmaya Nagar Stage II, Chennai – 600 092. From a meagre strength of 50 in 1972, in four decades, the Vidyalaya has made remarkable progress. Today, we have more than 2090 students. In 1982 the foundation stone was laid and the School Building Committee was constituted by Our Pujya Gurudev. On 16th January 1986, the ground floor of the school building was inaugurated by our Pujya Gurudev. All the three floors measuring 45,000 sq.ft, with three well equipped labs were completed in 1992. This new building accommodates all the classes from KG to Standard 12.
School Timings - 08:00 AM to 03:45 PM
Office Timings - 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM
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